This question about Installation of Foswiki: More info required
Cannot find download link for CpanContrib
KenLyons - 06 Oct 2015
I'm trying to install Foswiki for the first time, and having major problems with perl module availability. I'm not allowed to install additional modules on the system (although I currently have root access, temporarily). I went to the
CpanContrib page to get the set of modules, but it looks as if the download has been disabled. Is this available somewhere else?
The downloads are Attachments to
CpanContrib. you may need to click the Attachments heading to expand the table. There are 5 attachments in the list. You should downoad either the zip or tgz file depending upon your system requirements.
Note that another option is to use your own private CPAN library. If you have shell access, you can use App::cpanminus to install the libraries yourself right into the foswiki/lib directory. See
GeorgeClark - 07 Oct 2015
Thanks George. That sounds very helpful. I didn't look for attachments on the page because of the red warning box at the top of the page that says the downloads are no longer available. It might be a good idea to remove that ... i'll go try that.
KenLyons - 07 Oct 2015
I don't see that "red warning box" Could you confirm the link of exactly where you are seeing that message, or provide a screenshot?
GeorgeClark - 08 Oct 2015