This question about Using an extension: Asked
How can I Include only a part of a random topic?
I would like to create something that you may know from Wikipedia-Portals, which show only the first paragraph of an article followed by a button "read more". I know several options to do that, but I need to combine all of them, which seems complicated so I ask for assistance.
Topic of the day
When I use the "topic of the day" option, it works fine, but the summary variable removes all formatting, which I do not want. I want to display the article as it is, not without formatting.
using randomtopic plugin
When I use the INCLUDE with RANDOMTOPIC, I get what I want, but then I get the entire topic, which is too long. How can I limit this? Maybe using something like the "Summary 100" option would be great.
Next, this plugin searches ALL the pages, and I want to exclude some (see below)
Avoiding the random plugin using random search
I am using the following to create a link to a
Random topic (for instance
%CALC{$SET(webtopic, $LISTRAND(%SEARCH{ "[0-9A-Z]" web="En" excludetopic="Web*,Category*,*Template,*Form" scope="topic" type="regex" casesensitive="on" nosearch="on" nototal="on" separator=", " format="$web.$topic" noheader="on" }%))$SET(pos, $FIND(., $GET(webtopic)))$SET(web, $REPLACE($GET(webtopic), $GET(pos), 100))$SET(topic, $REPLACE($GET(webtopic), 1, $GET(pos)))}%
%CALC{$NOP(%)SEARCH{ \"^$GET(topic)$\" web=\"$GET(web)\" scope="topic" regex="on" nosearch=\"on\" noheader=\"on\" nototal=\"on\" limit=\"1\" format=\"[[%SCRIPTURL{view}%/$web/$topic][Random Article]]\"}$NOP(%)}%
I don't know how or if I could use that to include a random page.
I want to limit the results to one specific category I have set in the
TopicForm; I know this works with something like this
%IF{"$'FORMFIELD{Category}'='foo'" then="[[...]]" else="<nop>"}%
So you se, I know the basics, but have no idea how to combine them.
LieVen - 12 May 2016