This question about LDAP: Asked
About LDAP and access control
YangCheng - 07 Sep 2016
Hi, i've installed `LdapContrib`, `LdapNgPlugin` `NewUserPlugin`, But meet some problems.
Currently, User login ahthenticated by my Ldap server is down and works well. But:
1. After i installed
LdapNgPlugin, I always get red exclamation mark in `configuration->extensions->enable or disable installed extensions`, but within this tab, i can't see anything wrong. Configuration is already set
$Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{LdapNgPlugin}{Enabled} = 1;
$Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{LdapNgPlugin}{Module} = 'Foswiki::Plugins::LdapNgPlugin';
2. How can i do access control for the users loggin from LDAP? I can't see those users or gourps in `Main/WikiUsers` or `Main/WikiGroups`. So how can i do access control? for example, if i don't want a user to view a page, what should i set in `
3. Even i installed
NewUserPlugin , but /Main/$WikiName topic still doesn't exists, how to automatically create this topic when a user login?
YangCheng - 07 Sep 2016