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How to set actionnotify user
I'm using
ActionTrackerPlugin (2013-02-27, 2.4.10) on Foswiki 2.1.2 with PlainFile store. The actionnotify script is not sending any mails. ACTIONSEARCH is working, and listing actions. I traced the problem to Foswiki::Func::searchInWebContent not returning any matches. Tracing further, there are (correct) search results up until the permissions check
$resultset = $this->addACLFilter( $resultset, $options );
in Foswiki::Store::Interfaces::QueryAlgorithm::query
That makes sense because the webs' VIEW is restricted (and ACTIONSEARCH works because I am logged in as a user with VIEW permission). If I comment out this permissions check, then actionnotify sends the emails that I expect. If I instead pass a username with the necessary permissions to new Foswiki() (e.g.
my $session = new Foswiki('Main.MichaelTempest');
) in Foswiki::Plugins::ActionTrackerPlugin::ActionNotify::actionNotify, then it also sends out the emails (though it also complains "Use of uninitialized value in string eq at C:/wamp/foswiki2/lib/Foswiki/Users/ line 574.")
should I set the wiki user that actionnotify uses?
MichaelTempest - 04 Jul 2017
IIRC the actionnotify script lets you pass in a username.
. Though I confess I thought it ran as admin by default. Can admin access the topics of interest?
Line 574 of
TopicUserMapping is the middle of a comment, in git. I'm guessing it's because {session}->{user} is undefined, though.
Main.CrawfordCurrie - 07 Jul 2017 - 09:28
AdminUser can access all topics.
does not seem to set the user. But maybe I just didn't have the correct incantation.
actionnotify (eventually) calls Foswiki::Plugins::ActionTrackerPlugin::ActionSet::allActionsInWeb() with "internal" set to 1, which causes it to skip permission tests. However, Foswiki::Plugins::ActionTrackerPlugin::ActionSet::allActionsInWeb() first calls Foswiki::Func::searchInWebContent which applies permission tests itself, and those tests fail because {session}->{user} defaults to the guest user.
{session}->{user} is indeed undefined. For reference:
my $session = new Foswiki('Main.AdminUser');
in Foswiki::Plugins::ActionTrackerPlugin::ActionNotify::actionNotify results in emails going out, and no "use of uninitialised value" warning from
MichaelTempest - 10 Jul 2017
Yeah, there needs to be a way to set the user from the command-line. This is done in a number of other similar scripts but obviously never made it this far. Please raise a task (and DIY if your fingers need a bit of exercise
Main.CrawfordCurrie - 10 Jul 2017 - 18:23