This question about Documentation, Topic Markup Language and applications: More info required

Accessing and editing hidden Webs


I am new to setting up foswiki and I have been unable to find solution to this problem online. I am trying to make a template web so that I can use it as a template for building individual project webs. But once I create a hidden web for making templates,

eg - "_WemplateWeb". I can no longer access it. Are there any suggestions for accessing it so that I complete building the template.


-- SuyogPol - 12 Jan 2018

Did you create your template using one of the existing template webs (such as "_default")? I ask because a web needs certain topics to be recognized as a valid web. (It may only require WebPreferences but preferable to include all the topics beginning with "Web".)

Assuming that's addressed and the file & folder permissions are correct (which they would be if you created the web via Foswiki UI), then it should be visible. Look in ManagingWebs to see if it's showing up in list of template webs. You should also be able to browse your template web entering the web name (including leading underscore) in url with your base view url (e.g.

-- Main.LynnwoodBrown - 12 Jan 2018 - 20:46


QuestionForm edit

Subject Documentation, Topic Markup Language and applications
Version Foswiki 2.1.4
Status More info required
Related Topics
Topic revision: r3 - 14 Jan 2018, GeorgeClark
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