This question about Using an extension: Task filed
DirectedGraphPlugin works, but PlantUMLPlugin fails
On my upgraded wiki, on pages where I'm using <plantuml>-tags, no images are being generated.
Instead, I see code, as if the plugin wasn't installed or not enabled:
You get: (if installed) actor Foo1 boundary Foo2 control Foo3 entity Foo4 database Foo5 Foo1 → Foo2 : To boundary Foo1 → Foo3 : To control Foo1 → Foo4 : To entity Foo1 → Foo5 : To database
DirectedGraphPlugin works as it did before and the images are being generated nicely. I also tested if this was a caching problem, by altering diagrams. The Example on
DirectedGraphPluginExamples changed, and on
PlantUMLPluginExamples nothing happened.
I have tested plantuml from the command line, and it works:
$ java -jar /opt/plantuml/plantuml.jar -testdot
The environment variable GRAPHVIZ_DOT has been set to /usr/bin/dot
Dot executable is /usr/bin/dot
Dot version: dot - graphviz version 2.38.0 (20140413.2041)
Installation seems OK. File generation OK
PerlDependencyReport looks OK, exept for the unrecognized Version number for Image::Magick.
Is there anything else I can do to debug this?
BirgitNietsch - 01 Feb 2018
Are there any errors in your
InstalledPlugins page?
GeorgeClark - 01 Feb 2018
Yes. It seems that
PlantUML has been deactivated due to some Problems with the XML Store Contrib. I have totally removed and reinstalled both
PlantUML and the XML Store Contrib, but the errors persist:
Foswiki::Plugins::PlantUMLPlugin could not be loaded. Errors were:
Experimental keys on scalar is now forbidden at /srv/www/foswiki/htdocs/lib/Foswiki/Contrib/ line 227.
at /srv/www/foswiki/htdocs/lib/Foswiki/Contrib/ line 227.
require Foswiki/Contrib/ called at /srv/www/foswiki/htdocs/lib/Foswiki/Plugins/PlantUMLPlugin/ line 30
Foswiki::Plugins::PlantUMLPlugin::GraphMetaStore::BEGIN() called at /srv/www/foswiki/htdocs/lib/Foswiki/Contrib/ line 227
eval {...} called at /srv/www/foswiki/htdocs/lib/Foswiki/Contrib/ line 227
require Foswiki/Plugins/PlantUMLPlugin/ called at /srv/www/foswiki/htdocs/lib/Foswiki/Plugins/ line 384
Foswiki::Plugins::PlantUMLPlugin::BEGIN() called at /srv/www/foswiki/htdocs/lib/Foswiki/Contrib/ line 227
BirgitNietsch - 02 Feb 2018
Try the following patch.
diff --git a/lib/Foswiki/Contrib/ b/lib/Foswiki/Contrib/
index 329d265..65e12c9 100644
--- a/lib/Foswiki/Contrib/
+++ b/lib/Foswiki/Contrib/
@@ -224,8 +224,8 @@ sub save {
# Remove all nodes associated with the updated topic from the most
# recent document, then add the possibly changed nodes back in.
my $diskroot = $doc->documentElement();
- foreach my $web (sort keys $self->{'updated'}) {
- foreach my $topic (sort keys $self->{'updated'}->{$web}) {
+ foreach my $web (sort keys %{ $self->{'updated'} }) {
+ foreach my $topic (sort keys %{ $self->{'updated'}->{$web} }) {
my @nodes = $doc->findnodes(
"/" . $self->{'rootname'} . "/" . $self->{'nodename'} .
"[\@web='$web' and \@topic='$topic']");
It appears that you are using a newer version of perl and some syntax used in the plugin has been deprecated. I don't have a setup here to test these changes, and I'm unfamiliar with the actual data structure, so this is really a guess. Please report back if it resolves your issue.
GeorgeClark - 02 Feb 2018
I've filed
Item14615 for this issue.
GeorgeClark - 02 Feb 2018
This patch has solved my problems. Thank you so much!
BirgitNietsch - 02 Feb 2018
Adding a comment: I have just seen that when I have more than one
PlantUML Salt diagram on my page, the last salt diagram "wins the game". They are all "PlantUMLPlugin_1.png". Even if there are several non-salt diagrams on the page, one single salt wil spoil the show. The ditaa feature doesn't work at all, as if the keyword was not recognized, and I don't know if this caused by
PlantUMLPlugin, by
PlantUML itself, or by
XMLStoreContrib. I'll have to look into the details on monday.
BirgitNietsch - 02 Feb 2018
Sounds like another bug. If you could, please report them in
PlantUMLPlugin or
GeorgeClark - 02 Feb 2018