This question about Upgrading from TWiki to Foswiki: Closed unanswered
how to locate getDefaultState?
I've finally got around to porting a TWiki to foswiki, after about 18 months off doing other stuff. But the TWiki server will shut down soon, so I can't ignore this task for much longer. Everything has gone OK, except for this nasty message:
Can't locate object method "getDefaultState" via package "Foswiki::Plugins::WorkflowPlugin::ControlledTopic"
An example of a topic which gives this failure is: _
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="1" class="twikiTable">%SEARCH{ "META:FORM.*[T]opicBestPracticeForm;!META:WORKFLOW" type="regex"
excludetopic="TopicBestPracticeTemplate" order="modified"
limit="%LIMIT%" nonoise="on"
header="<tr valign=top><th colspan=3><font color=\"#004480\">Proposed Best Practices</font>"
format="<tr valign=top><td>$percnt$percntWORKFLOWSTATE{$topic}$percntICON$percnt <td><a href=\"%SCRIPTURL{view}%/$web/$topic\" title=\"$summary\">$formfield(TopicTitle) </a> %BR%<span style=\"font-size: 70%; color: #808080\"> in [[$formfield(Area)][$percntCALC{$SUBSTITUTE($formfield(Area), BestPractice, )}$percnt]] </span> <span style=\"font-size: 70%; color: #808080\"> %BR%$date by $wikiusername </span> <td>$percntFILELIST{extension=\"jpg,jpeg,gif,png\" limit=\"1\" format=\"<img src='$fileUrl' height=60 width=60 alt='$fileComment' title='$fileComment' />\" topic=\"$topic\"}$percnt" }% <tbody></tbody>
</table> <!--
* Set WORKFLOW = BestPracticeWorkflow
I've gotten very rusty with TWiki. Any ideas where to start to debug this?
TIA, John
The first and most obvious question is; where did you get your copy of
WorkflowPlugin? The second is, what do your apache and foswiki logs say? There should be a stacktrace somewhere.
CrawfordCurrie - 27 Jul 2009
Closing it unanswered due to inactivity. Please re-open it, if necessary.
OliverKrueger - 26 Sep 2009