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nat skin doesn't work
I was trying to install the Natskin, everything looked good during the installation. When I try to preview it. It always output
%JQREQUIRE{"superfish"}% %JQREQUIRE{"supersubs"}% %JQREQUIRE{"tooltip"}% %JQREQUIRE{"metadata"}% %JQREQUIRE{"autocomplete"}% %WEBCOMPONENT{"HtmlHead"}%
%USERACTIONS{ guest="$login$sep$users$sep$register
" format="$account$sep$users$sep$logout" }%
and without anything else. Do you have some ideas what's happening, how should I correct that?
Check that
JQueryPlugin is up-to-date and enabled.
Also check that
NatSkinPlugin is up-to-date and enabled.
There is a new release of
NatSkin "coming soon"; but in the meantime, let us know how you go with enabling those plugins.
PaulHarvey - 07 Jan 2010