This question about Authentication or Authorisation: Answered
EditTablePlugin save without Authentification
We use foswiki 1.0 and the EdittablePlugin 4.11, $Rev: 1490 (08 Jan 2009), and anybody can change the table items without authentification
in the foswiki/data/log200901.txt you see the guest view and
save the topic
| 20 Jan 2009 - 10:42 | guest | view | ITSystem.MaintenanceOne2009 | Mozilla | |
| 20 Jan 2009 - 10:42 | guest | save | ITSystem.MaintenanceOne2009 | repRev 15 by BaseUserMapping _666 2009/01/20 09:42:12 Mozilla | |
how can i permit these unsave changes to topics
ReinhardWeh - 20 Jan 2009
this was an general config mistake, in the
you have to set this
$Foswiki::cfg{PasswordManager} = 'Foswiki::Users::LdapPassword';
ReinhardWeh - 21 Apr 2009