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Type in Chinese

Hi, sorry I don't know where to share this patch. I'm new here. So I put this message here.

It's OK to type Chinese characters in the WYSIWYG editor, but it shows an error when clicking the "save" button.

Here is a solution:

Edit foswiki/lib/Foswiki/Plugins/WysiwygPlugin/
<         $text = Encode::decode_utf8($text);
> #       $text = Encode::decode_utf8($text);
>         if (utf8::valid($text)) {
>             utf8::decode($text);
>         }

Then you can save Chinese characters in WYSIWYG editor without errors.

-- ChiaHaoLo - 23 Jan 2009

-- ChYang - 24 Jan 2009

IIRC I tried this when I was working on utf8 before, and while it fixes Chinese, it breaks other non-utf8 character sets such as Cyrillic. Fixes for character sets unfortunately have to work for all character sets, at least until we have switched to utf8 everywhere.

-- CrawfordCurrie - 24 Jan 2009
  • Chinese characters cannot be saved correctly even following the above instruction. the error Log reads the following:][zhCN_error.PNG
-- LeiFan - 02 Mar 2009
  • LeiFan, If you are using Foswiki 1.0.6, please modify your lib/Foswiki/Plugins/WysiwygPlugin/
    as the following patch. It works for me.
< #        $text = Encode::decode_utf8($text);
<       if (utf8::valid($text)) {
<               utf8::decode($text);
<       }
>         $text = Encode::decode_utf8($text);


-- PaulHarvey - 24 Jan 2010

QuestionForm edit

Extension WysiwygPlugin
Status Task filed
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
zhCN_error.PNGPNG zhCN_error.PNG manage 2 K 02 Mar 2009 - 03:42 LeiFan chinese char errors
Topic revision: r10 - 24 Jan 2010, PaulHarvey
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