This question about Using an extension: More info required

facebook not updating


great extention!

somehow, new users don't appear in the facebook. any ideas?

best regards,


-- MaZe - 19 Feb 2010

PersonalInfoAddOn ships and uses its own UserForm. The Foswiki default UserForm is located in the System web. PersonalInfoAddOns UserForm is usually localted in the Main web. Make sure, the right one is used.

-- OliverKrueger - 19 Feb 2010

How do i make shure to use the right one? is some setting? im Main Web i have a copy of the UserForm. But what do i have to do to use it?

-- MaZe - 19 Feb 2010

This is described in the documentation of PersonalInfoAddOn: topic PersonalInfoHome.

-- ArthurClemens - 25 Feb 2010

i did, but in the documentation it only relates to

thats where i added the custom fields.

my problem remains: no further users in

besides the users, when i installed PersonalInfo...

-- MaZe - 19 Feb 2010

There is more to it than change the UserForm table. Which steps of PersonalInfoHome, section "Documentation_of_the_INCLUDE_sections_in_PersonalInfo" did you follow?

-- ArthurClemens - 25 Feb 2010

I did:

Set PersonalInfoUserViewTemplate:

  1. Include the personal info block in existing pages
  2. Change the last line in NewUserTemplate
both work fine. the meta is in all usertopics and when creating a new user, it has the meta automatically.

Customize the fields

1. Added the new fields Picture and WorkStatus in UserForm

Syncronized the fields in PersonalInfo

This all worked perfectly. Picture Adding etc...

Then i made a new topic and added
INCLUDE{"Main.PersonalInfo" section="pictures" gridWidth="130" gridHeight="120" imgHeight="85" exclude="TestTest" order="formfield(LastName)}%

Worked fine. But i recently added users and they dont show up.

even not when using this simple table:
INCLUDE{"PersonalInfo" section="tableOfAllUsers"}%

In UserList all are there. The user topics all have the new look of personalinfo. can add pictures etc.

but the include dont update...

-- MaZe - 04 Mar 2010

I have 2 remarks to start:
  1. change the last line in System.NewUserTemplate - this should be Main.NewUserTemplate. Otherwise your changes get overwritten at the next Foswiki update.
  2. Added the new fields Picture and WorkStatus in UserForm - this should be Main.UserForm.
See for instructions UserForm.

Please look at the newly registered users. View the page with url param ?raw=debug. Do they have meta data fields for:
  • FirstName
  • WorkStatus set to "Current"
-- ArthurClemens - 04 Mar 2010

thats it! in the new userfiles these meta infos are missing. thanks for the hint! now, how can this happen? because other specific meta information is there,like
%META:PREFERENCE{name="VIEW_TEMPLATE" title="VIEW_TEMPLATE" type="Local" value="PersonalInfoUserView"}%

-- MaZe - 21 Mar 2010

Most likely you haven't created your custom NewUserTemplate, as described in System.UserForm - see on the page "A form for new users".

-- ArthurClemens - 21 Mar 2010

ok, so now i have custom UserForm and NewUserTemplate in Main. I added everything to NewUserTemplate. Now i want to change some UserForm Entries.

In PersonalInfoHome it states:

To customize which fields are displayed, follow these steps:Add the custom fields and field formats to the table in System.UserForm."

Now with the custom Main.UserForm, do i still edit System.UserForm, or the one in Main?

-- MaZe - 29 Mar 2010

Only the one in Main.

-- ArthurClemens - 29 Mar 2010

hi, if i add new fields to Main.UserForm and Main.PersonalInfo, the filled in content doesn't appear. if also edit System.UserForm it shows up.

-- MaZe - 18 Jun 2010

Could you attach the files you are using?

-- ArthurClemens - 18 Jun 2010

QuestionForm edit

Subject Using an extension
Extension PersonalInfoAddOn
Status More info required
Topic revision: r14 - 18 Jun 2010, ArthurClemens
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