This question about Using an extension: Marked for deletion

How to use JQFullCalendarPlugin

Dear Support,

I installed JQFullCalendarPlugin successfull on my server. However, I don't see the plugin show up on my website. How do I use this plugin? or am i missing something in my installation process. The following is my capture of installation processes. Please let me know ...


Johnny Nguyen


root@twiki:/var/lib/foswiki# perl JQFullCalendarPlugin _installer
### JQFullCalendarPlugin Installer ###
This installer must be run from the root directory of your Foswiki
* The script will not do anything without asking you for
confirmation first (unless you used -a).
* You can abort the script at any point and re-run it later
* If you answer 'no' to any questions you can always re-run
the script again later
Checking dependency on Foswiki::Plugins::JQueryPlugin....
Foswiki::Plugins::JQueryPlugin v20090710 loaded
JQFullCalendarPlugin version 6941 is already installed. Are you sure you want to re-install this module? [y/n] y
I will keep a backup of any files I overwrite.Fetching the archive for Foswiki::Plugins::JQFullCalendarPlugin.
/var/lib/foswiki/JQFullCalendarPlugin.tgz exists on this machine; would you like me to use it?
It was created on Fri Jul 2 12:43:17 2010.
If not, I will try to download a new one.
Use existing /var/lib/foswiki/JQFullCalendarPlugin.tgz? [y/n] y
Got a local archive from /var/lib/foswiki/JQFullCalendarPlugin.tgz
Archive::Tar is not installed: Can't locate Archive/ in @INC (@INC contains: lib /var/lib/foswiki/lib /etc/foswiki /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.8 /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.8 /usr/share/perl/5.8 /usr/local/lib/site_perl) at /var/lib/foswiki/tools/ line 713, <STDIN> chunk 2.
Trying tar on the command-line
Archive unpacked
Install pub/System/JQFullCalendarPlugin/fullcalendar.css, permissions 0644
Install data/System/JQFullCalendarPlugin.txt, permissions 0644
Install pub/System/JQFullCalendarPlugin/fullcalendar.uncompressed.js, permissions 0644
Install pub/System/JQFullCalendarPlugin/fullcalendar.js.gz, permissions 0644
Install pub/System/JQFullCalendarPlugin/Makefile, permissions 0644
Install lib/Foswiki/Plugins/JQFullCalendarPlugin/, permissions 0644
Install pub/System/JQFullCalendarPlugin/fullcalendar.uncompressed.css, permissions 0644
Install pub/System/JQFullCalendarPlugin/fullcalendar.css.gz, permissions 0644
Install lib/Foswiki/Plugins/, permissions 0644
Install pub/System/JQFullCalendarPlugin/fullcalendar.js, permissions 0644
Adding topic: JQFullCalendarPlugin to installation ....
Add attachment /var/lib/foswiki/pub/System/JQFullCalendarPlugin/fullcalendar.css
Adding file: fullcalendar.css to installation ....
(attaching it to JQFullCalendarPlugin)
Add attachment /var/lib/foswiki/pub/System/JQFullCalendarPlugin/fullcalendar.uncompressed.js
Adding file: fullcalendar.uncompressed.js to installation ....
(attaching it to JQFullCalendarPlugin)
Add attachment /var/lib/foswiki/pub/System/JQFullCalendarPlugin/fullcalendar.js.gz
Adding file: fullcalendar.js.gz to installation ....
(attaching it to JQFullCalendarPlugin)
Add attachment /var/lib/foswiki/pub/System/JQFullCalendarPlugin/Makefile
Adding file: Makefile to installation ....
(attaching it to JQFullCalendarPlugin)
Add attachment /var/lib/foswiki/pub/System/JQFullCalendarPlugin/fullcalendar.uncompressed.css
Adding file: fullcalendar.uncompressed.css to installation ....
(attaching it to JQFullCalendarPlugin)
Add attachment /var/lib/foswiki/pub/System/JQFullCalendarPlugin/fullcalendar.css.gz
Adding file: fullcalendar.css.gz to installation ....
(attaching it to JQFullCalendarPlugin)
Add attachment /var/lib/foswiki/pub/System/JQFullCalendarPlugin/fullcalendar.js
Adding file: fullcalendar.js to installation ....
(attaching it to JQFullCalendarPlugin)

Hi Johnny, this plugin is not yet ready for production use and under heavy development. It foremost has been externalized from JQueryPlugin. Stay tuned for further releases coming with an online calendar solution built on its base. Thanks for trying.

-- MichaelDaum - 04 Jul 2010

HI i also try this one ... I never got even smiles on my web sites too ... I never found installed plugins on my website ...Let me know why it is???....

The plugin is available now.

-- GuruprasadIyer - 21 Jun 2012

QuestionForm edit

Subject Using an extension
Extension SmiliesPlugin
Version Foswiki 1.0.9
Status Marked for deletion
Related Topics
Topic revision: r4 - 21 Jun 2012, GuruprasadIyer
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