This question about LDAP: Answered

LdapContrib error "4: Sizelimit exceeded"

While following up a login problem I stumbled over this error:
- LdapContrib - refreshing cache explicitly
- LdapContrib - cacheAge=9999999999, maxCacheAge=86400, lastUpdate=0, refresh=1
- LdapContrib - updating cache
- LdapContrib - called search(filter=objectClass=organizationalPerson, base=ou=XXXXX,ou=Staff,o=XXXXX, scope=sub, limit=0, attrs=uid,mail,gidNumber,givenName,sn)
- LdapContrib - using TLS
- LdapContrib - 4: Sizelimit exceeded
- LdapContrib - error in search: 4: Sizelimit exceeded
- LdapContrib - WARNING: error refeshing the user cache: 4: Sizelimit exceeded
- LdapContrib - updating cache done

I didn't find something obvious in the related configuration nor in the documentation but deleted the cache on the machine. So far the error remained.

How should I deal further with it?

Thanks in advance, Ingo

This is a limit set on the LDAP Server, limiting the number of entries that can be returned in a single query against the LDAP database. There is some more information here at the Softera site:

Looking at the code, if the package Net::LDAP::Control::Paged is installed, LdapContrib will limit each query to $Foswiki::cfg{Ldap}{PageSize} entries.

-- GeorgeClark - 10 Jul 2010

QuestionForm edit

Subject LDAP
Extension LdapContrib
Version Foswiki 1.0.9
Status Answered
Topic revision: r3 - 13 Jul 2010, GeorgeClark
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