This question about Installation of Foswiki: Answered
Is it possible to have a no-plugin distro for Ubuntu?
Hi there. I am using Ubuntu 8.10. Its Synaptic package installer is very nice to use but there seems to be an issue with Foswiki.
I installed the base Foswiki package with Synaptic ie. no plug-ins. After doing so, I installed the mathmode plug-in. I was unable to get Foswiki to render equations. After some time, I discovered that the WYSIWYG plug-in was installed with the base Foswiki package along with several other plug-ins (Comment, Spreadsheet,
EditTable, Slideshow, Table,
TwikiCompatibility). I discovered this when after giving up on mathmode, I tried to install the WYSIWYG plugin and received an error report that the package was already installed. I believe that the WYSIWYG plug-in is incompatible with the mathmode plug-in and so all was explained.
I think it might be better if no plug-ins at all were installed with the base Foswiki package in Ubuntu. That way the user can choose which they want which seems more natural. As well incompatibilities and error messages will be more easily understood by Ubuntu's target audience.
I believe so too. (and as the maintainer of the packages :). ).
however, making it happen hasn't been trivial todate. I'm still working on it, but basically it means taking everything apart, and debian (and thus ubuntu) packaging is supposed to be done directly from the upstream release, and so far, Foswiki hasn't released a no-plugins release.
Personally, I would suggest that mathmode should not (and probably isn't intentionally) incompatible with
WysiwygPlugin, and that perhaps reporting that issue is more important.
SvenDowideit - 08 Feb 2009
instead, I modified my Extesions building script to remove dependancies on things that are in the default package - so it mathmode should install..
SvenDowideit - 20 Mar 2009