This question about Not sure...: Asked

search using item from data form

Try to modify the advanced search topic in Foswiki, to search using limits of form field. When we upload dataset, we used a form to include more information.

In the following I try to search the dataset with special Latitude, which a field of the data form. But it doesn't work.

Any idea will be appriciate.

Thanks a lot!
"%URLPARAM{"search" encode="quote"}%"
type="%URLPARAM{"type" default="word"}%"...
$formfield{"Latitude"}= "%URLPARAM{"latitude" encode="quote"}%"}%
<th class="foswikiLast">%MAKETEXT{"Limit latitude to:"}%</th>
<td class="foswikiLast"><input type="text" class="foswikiInputField" id="latitude" name="latitude" size="3" value="%IF{" '%URLPARAM{"latitude" default="all"}%' = 'all' " then="all" else="%URLPARAM{latitude}%"}%" /><label for="latitude"> %MAKETEXT{"Degree"}% </label>

QuestionForm edit

Subject Not sure...
Extension FormFieldListPlugin
Version Foswiki 1.1.1
Status Asked
Topic revision: r1 - 01 Nov 2010, YumeiHu
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