This question about Using an extension: Asked
BatchUploadPlugin does not work
i just reinstalled
BatchUploadPlugin v 1.2 on my Fowsiki 1.12 and it is not extracting the zips.
Dependency Archive::Zip is installed within perl.
the templates
are patched like the readme tells and really similar to the old TWiki Install i had.
LocalSite.cfg entries are as follows:
$Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{BatchUploadPlugin}{Enabled} = 1;
$Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{BatchUploadPlugin}{Module} = 'Foswiki::Plugins::BatchUploadPlugin';
$Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{BatchUploadPlugin}{usercontrol} = 1;
$Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{BatchUploadPlugin}{Debug} = 1;
System/InstalledPlugins says its installed, no errors.
System/BatchUploadPlugin says its enabled (i enabled in Main/SitePreferences )
but i get no extraction and no apache or wiki logfile entries.
i have no beforeAttachmentSaveHandler on my System/InstalledPlugins Page, where is the Problem ?
-rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 12057 2010-11-11 02:05 ./lib/Foswiki/Plugins/
JamesPeverill - 07 Sep 2011
I also am experiencing this problem after upgrading to the latest Foswiki. I am not getting any debug errors.
Turning the debug shows this message:
debug.log:| 2011-09-07T17:24:11Z debug | - BatchUploadPlugin::beforeAttachmentSaveHandler( .Foswiki::Meta=HASH(0x2c1e580) - attachment: |