This question about This website: Answered

Why not use FosWiki instead of Foswiki as our project name?

Maybe this is not a question ...

I'm just wondering why our project named Foswiki not FosWiki... The later is a WikiWord, we love wiki-ing and why not turn our project name into a WikiWord ...

Just curious ... and there may be no answer to this one ...

Any comment?


It's a reasonable question. IMO it's not a camel-case word because it shows how Foswiki is moving away from the old thinking. It's also prettier.

Any other opinions?

-- CrawfordCurrie

As I recall from the discussion on IRC, any odd capitalization scheme would be subject to errors, so the decision was made to simply give the name an initial upper case letter, as is normally done with a proper noun. -- IsaacLin - 13 Mar 2009

QuestionForm edit

Subject This website
Status Answered
Topic revision: r3 - 13 Mar 2009, IsaacLin
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