This question about Using an extension: Answered

Problem with Userrights using WorkflowPlugin


I'm using the workflow Plugin. I have defined the the state and Action table. On the Bottom of one Topic, I have set the Worklfow.

When I loogged on as Admin I can change the state without an problems, but when I logged in as an normal User in the defined group, I can't change the state.

The Wokflow Definition:

---++ Status

| *State*       | *Allow Edit* | *Message* |
| ERSTELLT | TechnologieGroup| Dokument wurde erstellt|
| WARTENAUFKONTROLLE | TechnologieGroup| Wartet auf Kontrolle. |
| KONTROLLIERT| TechnologieGroup| Dokument freigegeben. |
|WIRDBEARBEITET | TechnologieGroup| Dokument wird bearbeitet|

---++ Aktionen
| *State*  | *Action* | *Next State*  | *Allowed*  |
| ERSTELLT | kontrollieren | WARTENAUFKONTROLLE | nobody|
| WARTENAUFKONTROLLE | dokument freigeben | KONTROLLIERT | nobody |
| WARTENAUFKONTROLLE | dokument nicht freigegeben | ERSTELLT | TechnologieGroup |
| KONTROLLIERT | zurück auf Bearbeitet | WIRDBEARBEITET | TechnologieGroup |
| WIRDBEARBEITET | kontrollieren | WARTENAUFKONTROLLE | TechnologieGroup |

The Definition on the Bottom of my Topic:
   * Set WORKFLOW = WorkflowDokumente

| *Workflow* ||
| Aktueller Status | %WORKFLOWSTATE% |
| Transitions available | %WORKFLOWTRANSITION% |
| State message | %WORKFLOWSTATEMESSAGE% |
Workflow history: %WORKFLOWHISTORY%

Thanks for your Help


I think you need to prefix wikinames and wikigroups with "Main": Main.TechnologieGroup

No, the Main is irrelevant (it's just noise).

The plugin has two criteria for permitting a state change (1) the workflow permits it and (2) the user has CHANGE access to the touched topic. From what you describe I would guess the user in question does not have CHANGE access.

-- CrawfordCurrie - 15 Feb 2011


currently I might have maybe similar problem. Which was solved by a hack in Foswiki/Plugins/Workflowplugin/

I needed to change slightly the sub _isAllowed {
    elsif ( defined &Foswiki::Func::isGroup ) {
        my $thisUser = Foswiki::Func::getWikiName();
        foreach my $allowed ( split( /\s*,\s*/, $allow ) ) {
            ( my $waste, $allowed ) =
              Foswiki::Func::normalizeWebTopicName( undef, $allowed );
            %RED%  $allowed =~ s/^\s+//;%ENDCOLOR%
%RED%              $allowed =~ s/\s+$//;%ENDCOLOR%

The trimming of $allowed helped for me.

-- VasekOpekar - 21 Apr 2011

QuestionForm edit

Subject Using an extension
Extension WorkflowPlugin
Version Foswiki 1.1.2
Status Answered
Topic revision: r4 - 21 Apr 2011, VasekOpekar
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