This question about Authentication or Authorisation: Answered
How to remove case sensitivity from USERINFO with username mapping
I'm not sure how much detail to put into this.
I would like to support IE and Firefox. I'm running Foswiki under IIS (Server 2003) and i've mostly managed to work through most of the hiccups.
One thing though is if I examine %USERINFO% on my system, under IE, my login name shows as S123321, but under firefox, s123321.
This means the
LoginName to
WikiName only works with one or the other at a time, depending on what case I have in my
WikiUsers topic
I'm using the
LoginNameAliasesPlugin to strip off the domain (prefix).
And, I have these set:
$Foswiki::cfg{LoginManager} = 'Foswiki::LoginManager::ApacheLogin';
$Foswiki::cfg{Register}{AllowLoginName} = 1;
as it seems that I'm the 'author' of
LoginNameAliasesPlugin - I've just added a 'change case' option to it - options:
does that give you a resolution? (mmm, actually, I'm guessing not, as I presumed that this plugin acted before auth, but it seems it really is just a poor
UserMapper - I should replace it.
SvenDowideit - 14 Feb 2012
ModifyLoginPlugin: should solve your problem.
GuruprasadIyer - 21 Jun 2012