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How to use a form to add table row?

I want to build a table-based "logbook" by filling in a form. How would I best do this with Foswiki (or extensions)?
  • The idea is that any team member can fill out a given form with some predefined fields like: date, environment (TEST vs. PROD), type of change (downtime, reboot, etc.), comments, author.
  • When this form is submitted, it is added as an entry to a table on the same page.
  • Bonus points for including an autoinc page link to a page that may be created later to hold details about the entry.
I considered using the CommentPlugin but this only allows a single free-form entry field. The TablePlugin allows in-table editing of existing rows, but it doesn't have a separate "submit form".

I would be sincerely grateful for solution ideas!

-- TorbenGB - 17 Mar 2011


It should be possible to achieve what you want using CommentPlugin together with a custom template, see CommentPluginExamples#A_61table_61 and the definition of the table template: CommentPluginTemplate#table

-- MartinKaufmann - 17 Mar 2011

Thank you very much!! I didn't know about these excellent examples. We already have the CommentPlugin installed so I think I can easily adapt the examples to our purpose.

Cool: There's also a System/UserCommentsTemplate which can be used for customizations. This is not overwritten during software updates.

-- TorbenGB - 18 Mar 2011

QuestionForm edit

Subject This website
Version Foswiki 1.1.2
Status Answered
Topic revision: r3 - 18 Mar 2011, TorbenGB
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