This question about Installation of Foswiki: Answered
I'm using Nginx as the default webserver on port 80 as my new setup, and it proxy-passes requests for my wiki through to an Apache instance running on port 81.
When I install and configure the latest version of Foswiki all pages are rendered, but without any CSS styling. On closer inspection of the html, all links reference
http://localhost:81 instead of respecting my DefaultUrlHost setting.
After closer inspection of the config, it appears that because my HTTP_HOST is now localhost:81 instead of localhost, the code which applies DefaultUrlHost is skipped. This can be found in lib/ at line 1693:
if ( $this->{urlHost} eq 'http://localhost' ) { $this->{urlHost} = $Foswiki::cfg{DefaultUrlHost}; }
This should probably be modified to test whether the string begins with 'http://localhost'.
JustinClarke - 22 Apr 2011