This question about Installation of Foswiki: Answered

Two install/configure questions re: Foswiki 1.1.3 on Ubuntu 11.04

From the perspective of someone who is still learning about Apache configuration, a couple fairly simple installation questions. I've downloaded the Foswiki-1.1.3 tarball onto my (fully-updated) Ubuntu 11.04 system, and done the following steps:

* untarred it under /var/www

* renamed the directory to "foswiki" for convenience

* "chown -R www-data:www-data foswiki" to allow proper Apache access

First (possibly trivial) issue: Before I've done any further configuration, I've simply browsed to "localhost/foswiki" and while I get the correct setup screen, my Apache error.log suddenly produces:

"[error] [client ::1] File does not exist: /var/www/favicon.ico"

Is that expected? Is that just a general Apache config/setup issue?
For the foswiki installation, the favicon is set in your SitePreferences, (Default in DefaultPreferences). We don't provide one for configure, as it's used only to set up foswiki by the administrator. So you can ignore the errors when running configure, and configure the icon for the site as desired,. -- GeorgeClark - 22 Jul 2011

And second, while I'm reading through the Installation Guide and can see the further configuration (htaccess and generating the Apache config file), before I did anything else, I simply browsed to http://localhost/foswiki/bin/configure to see what would happen and, rather than running that Perl script, my browser simply displayed its contents as a text file.

I'm curious -- what current setting is preventing that Perl script from running? And how would setting up my Foswiki Apache config file fix that?
Your apache configuration has not been configured to run the scripts under CGI. That's done in the Apache configuration - either a config file or in .htaccess files, depending upon your server setup. So this is expected if you have not completed the Apache configuration. It's controlled by either the SetHandler statement or the ScriptAlias. -- GeorgeClark - 22 Jul 2011

QuestionForm edit

Subject Installation of Foswiki
Version Foswiki 1.1.3
Status Answered
Related Topics
Topic revision: r2 - 22 Jul 2011, GeorgeClark
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