This question about Using an extension: Answered but needs rewriting

Retrieving form data by using URLPARAM


I'm trying to create a simple form. Therefore I installed the FormPlugin in my Foswiki configuration. At the moment I'm stuck on retrieving the filled in data of the form. The way as it is decribed in the FormPluginExamples by simply using URLPARAM does not work. The retrieved values should apear, where the ULPARAM is written, shouldn't they? What am I doing wrong? Thank you for helping me.


I had the same problem. gac410 assisted me in solving it and it might be the same problem you are experiencing. Make sure the {ScriptUrlPaths}{view} in the foswiki configuration is setup correctly. My default value was $Foswiki::cfg{ScriptUrlPath}/view$Foswiki::cfg{ScriptSuffix}. When I changed it to /foswiki it worked correctly. It has something to do with the setup of the short urls - however I am not sure exactly. Someone needs to elaborate on this.

-- HenroRitchie - 25 Apr 2012

QuestionForm edit

Subject Using an extension
Extension FormPlugin
Version Foswiki 1.1.3
Status Answered but needs rewriting
Related Topics
Topic revision: r2 - 25 Apr 2012, HenroRitchie
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