This question about Authentication or Authorisation: Answered

Adding to AdminGroup

The configure page says: "To become an administrator you need to first register as a normal user first and then add your wikiname to the AdminGroup (follow the text in yellow). "

How do you add your wikiname to the AdminGroup? I may be blind, but I don't see any text in yellow. Do you click on the AdminGroup link? I didn't see anything on that page that shows me where to make the change. Is there a file I have to edit?

I'm using the VM appliance, if that matters.

-- SteveGarcia - 13 Mar 2009

mmm, on my freshly set up foswiki, I get a big section in yellow

How to add the first administrator
If you haven't previously set up an administrator, follow these steps:
  1. Authenticate as the internal administrator:
  2. Edit this topic
  3. Insert the wikinames of admin users in the Administrator Group by listing them in the GROUP setting
    (example * Set GROUP = JohnSmith, JamesBond)
  4. Save this topic
  5. Logout from the Internal AdminUser
  6. Verify that new members show up properly in the group listing at Main.Groups
  7. Make sure always to keep this topic write protected by keeping the already defined ALLOWTOPICCHANGE setting
  8. The ALLOWTOPICHANGE and ALLOWTOPICRENAME settings in System.DefaultPreferences and Main.SitePreferences have already been set to this group (AdminGroup), restricting edit of site-wide preferences to the Wiki Administrator Group

but this only shows if the AdminGroup topic hasn't been edited, and a user added to the GROUP setting

AdminGroup is a topic in the Main web. Group definitions are a comma separated list in a Set GROUP setting - so to add yourself hit edit and write your Wiki Name in the list.

so yes smile the configure docco could be more explicit in telling you to

  • To become an administrator you need to first register as a normal user and then goto AdminGroup and add that User to the GROUP setting (follow the text in yellow).

making Tasks.Item1281 - and putting into next rel smile

-- SvenDowideit - 14 Mar 2009

QuestionForm edit

Subject Authentication or Authorisation
Status Answered
Topic revision: r4 - 18 May 2009, KennethLavrsen
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