Item10025: title attribute cannot be easily customised

Priority: Enhancement
Current State: Proposal Required
Released In: n/a
Target Release: n/a
Applies To: Engine
Component: DataForms, FoswikiUsability
Reported By: PaulHahler
Waiting For:
Last Change By: LynnwoodBrown
Hey folks!

Using the suggestion of PaulHarvey in Support.Question593 to change the title of a formfield with [[TheField][Arbitrary title? Yes!]] does not work!

For example I have this form definition:

Name Type Size Values Tooltip message Attributes
Field 1 select 1 , it, does, not, work add a summary  

And in certain topics I already have saved data for the name definition Field 1.

Metatext looks like this
%META:FIELD{name="Field 1" attributes="" title="Field 1" value="does"}%

When I know change this form definition to:

Name Type Size Values Tooltip message Attributes
Field 1[ThisIsAnArbitraryName]] select 1 , it, does, not, work add a summary  

I would expect that the topics keep the data saved and archieved under the name Field 1 and just the title in view and edit mode changed! But it behaves like this is a totally new introduced field for Foswiki. This is also reflected in the meta data

Metatext looks now like this
%META:FIELD{name="ThisIsAnArbitraryName" attributes="" title="[[Field 1]][ThisIsAnArbitraryName]]" value=""}%

This means title change is not possible without losing all the data AND future title changes will loose data again! I think this does not work as designed and led to a lot of misunderstandings.

I'm aware of WorkArounds with FlexFormPlugin etc. but I do really think that this should be a core feature that needs to work without further knowledge in TML.

-- PaulHahler - 15 Nov 2010

You're right, I don't know what I was smoking that day smile The [[LinkTarget][Field Name]] trick only changes the link target, and does not help you change the link text to be different to the field name at all.

This is indeed a missing feature. Alternative is to use FlexFormPlugin and AutoViewTemplatePlugin to customise the form appearance.

Regarding as a (useful) enhancement

-- PaulHarvey - 15 Nov 2010

No problem everyone has a bad day from time to time. ;D

I also saw that this kind of feature is already promoted in Support.FAQ14 by you. Maybe we should change that because for Newbies it can get quite frustrating if something does not work when they pick up the work with the data forms.

What next step would we have to do to get this on his way?

-- PaulHahler - 16 Nov 2010

Ouch! How embarrassing. I have corrected that topic. Can I make an apology to the internet? Well, it's done now.

In my opinion, DataForms needs more than just an update to allow customised field titles. In any case, a new 'column' would be needed, and I think there would be some resistance to that. So I'd like to invite you to contribute to Development.BrainstormingDataFormDefinitions. If we can develop a spec, it may go through the feature proposal process.

Other DataForms dev topics: CentralizeHtmlFormHandling and DataFormInheritance

-- PaulHarvey - 17 Nov 2010

This really isn't a "enhancement" request. The feature as the original poster described is a bug: it does not work as stated in the documentation. In any case, it's a duplicate of Item12090. None-the-less, I am leaving it as currently filed because to fix this, we do need a proposal for how to allow for customizing field title attribute.

-- LynnwoodBrown - 27 Apr 2015

Proposal floated to start exploration. See CustomizeDisplayedFieldTitle.

-- LynnwoodBrown - 27 Apr 2015

ItemTemplate edit

Summary title attribute cannot be easily customised
ReportedBy PaulHahler
Codebase 1.1.2, trunk
SVN Range
AppliesTo Engine
Component DataForms, FoswikiUsability
Priority Enhancement
CurrentState Proposal Required
TargetRelease n/a
ReleasedIn n/a
Topic revision: r6 - 27 Apr 2015, LynnwoodBrown
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