Item10091: Sections of type="include" not clearly documented

Priority: Normal
Current State: Closed
Released In: 1.1.3
Target Release: patch
Applies To: Engine
Reported By: KennethLavrsen
Waiting For:
Last Change By: KennethLavrsen
If you define a section as STARTSECTION{"name"} it works.

If you define a section STARTSECTION{"name" type="include"} you get the message that the section could not be found.

-- KennethLavrsen - 29 Nov 2010

To illustrate:
%STARTSECTION{"bar" type="include"}%bar%ENDSECTION{"bar" type="include"}% 
%INCLUDE{"%TOPIC%" section="foo"}%

%INCLUDE{"%TOPIC%" section="bar"}%
Here are the two includes:

Warning: Can't find named section bar in topic Tasks.Item10091

-- MichaelTempest - 29 Nov 2010

(08:51:19) CDot: ok, reading the code, type="include" was never designed to work with INCLUDE{section=
(08:51:30) CDot: it's a specific exclusion
(08:52:21) CDot: type="include" is meant to work like %STARTINCLUDE%, except that you can have multiple includable sections in the same topic
(08:52:49) CDot: if a section="" is specified in the INCLUDE, it required type="section" in the included topic
(08:52:54) Lavr: How will multiple includes work without a name to pick one???
(08:53:10) CDot: multiple == all
(08:53:15) CDot: not "pick one"
(08:53:38) CDot: if you want to pick one, used a named section (me isn't saying it's right, just reading the code)
(08:53:42) Lavr: Oh. Then we need to update the documentation to day that because there is no way anyone will understand the current text like this
(08:54:07) ***CDot is checking his assumption about type="include"
(08:55:32) MTempest: That is consistent with the documentation for type="include". It explains what the documentation said. TBH, I didn't understand that part when I read it.
(08:58:25) ***CDot has checked the history of that code. Been that way since 27th January 2006 (so has the doc)

Regraded as Normal; requires a documentation fix to make this clearer. Note that this bears further investigation; a section with type="include" requires the type to be specified on the ENDSECTION too, and neither start nor end may be named.

-- CrawfordCurrie - 29 Nov 2010

Fixed the docu

-- KennethLavrsen - 08 Dec 2010

ItemTemplate edit

Summary Sections of type="include" not clearly documented
ReportedBy KennethLavrsen
Codebase 1.1.2
SVN Range
AppliesTo Engine
Priority Normal
CurrentState Closed
Checkins distro:6463f587fb33 distro:8123f988c102
TargetRelease patch
ReleasedIn 1.1.3
Topic revision: r9 - 16 Apr 2011, KennethLavrsen
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