Item10099: StringifierContrib throws up error
Priority: Urgent
Current State: No Action Required
Released In: n/a
Target Release: n/a
I have recently got a new error message in my Cron task when updating the Kinoindex. I have run the stringify command at a command prompt against a number of files and get this error message.
Can't locate object method "new" via package "Foswiki::Contrib::StringifierContrib::Plugins::Text" (perhaps you forgot to load "Foswiki::Contrib::StringifierContrib::Plugins::Text"?) at /home2/mydomain/public_html/foswiki/lib/Foswiki/Contrib/ line 39. [~/public_html/foswiki/tools]# ./stringify ../pub/MyWeb/TopicName/Document.pdf
I cannot figure out whether this is a result of a recent update of extensions or not. All I know is is that it's a new "feature" which I'd like some help to resolve. It could be I've screwed up the Config setting, but I don't remember doing anything in there recently.
BobCorless - 01 Dec 2010
This is actually a bug in
StringifierContrib, and looks like a duplicate of
Item10026, so I will close this task and make an update on that task.
As a quick fix, you could use an older version of
StringifierContrib, or try applying
this patch (untested).
AndrewJones - 01 Dec 2010
Thank you. The simple patch worked a treat.
BobCorless - 01 Dec 2010