Priority: Normal
Current State: Confirmed
Released In: n/a
Target Release: n/a
I just tried renaming a bunch of attachments to a topic, and I did it by opening multiple browser tabs and then renaming them all simultaneously. The result was that the %META:FILEATTACHMENT line in the topic for all attachments but the last was removed. All the attachments renamed successfully, and I was able to use
UpdateAttachmentsPlugin to restore the %META:FILEATTACHMENT lines.
JayenAshar - 27 Dec 2010
interesting point - there is some need for same user locking, or something to prevent this kind of unexpected use :/
SvenDowideit - 09 Mar 2011
How about a bulk rename feature? That would deter this kind of use.
JayenAshar - 09 Mar 2011
We still need a fix for the multiple window case. No normal user can guess that doing what you did can cause trouble
KennethLavrsen - 09 Mar 2011