Item10354: EditRowPlugin - Cell contents disappearing when editing row/Incorrect href references
Priority: Normal
Current State: Closed
Released In: n/a
Target Release: n/a
With the new release of the
EditRowPlugin I have run into some issues editing a table since I updated the plugin.
Background - I am running a test Foswiki subversion based install on a linux server.
I noticed the following issues while using the markup from Example #3 from the
EditRowPlugin extension page.
Issue 1
When I click on edit as shown:
The contents of the cells disappear as shown here.
In firebug I see the following
$.editable is undefined
Issue 2
Using the same example as above when I click to edit the row (as shown above) and then click on cancel button the href reference is incorrect.
In the file there are references to href
e.g. href => 'deleteRow' which should read href => '#deleteRow'
I will fix this an checkin
PadraigLennon - 15 Feb 2011
Thanks, Padraig, for the fix!
CrawfordCurrie - 17 Feb 2011