Item10433: edited rows are not saved, adding rows closes table edit mode
Priority: Normal
Current State: No Action Required
Released In: n/a
Target Release: n/a
Since the update of
editchapterplugin and
jqueryplugin as well as the installation of
jeditableaddon and
jeditablecontrib editing of a table with doesn't work anymore. After a row was edited, changes in a table cell are not saved and the old value remains. The table editing mode is closed when one tries to add new rows.
TorstenZ - 02 Mar 2011
Hum, I think CDot renamed
JEditTableAddOn into
JEditTableContrib, so you should only have one installed and enabled. If you have both, try disabling the AddOn, keeping only the Contrib, and see if it helps.
OlivierRaginel - 02 Mar 2011
I removed the Debian package
foswiki-jeditableaddon but the error is the same.
TorstenZ - 02 Mar 2011
The Debian package? Where did you get it? And what version does it say it is?
OlivierRaginel - 07 Mar 2011
Ok, I installed the packages
foswiki-editrowplugin and
foswiki-jeditablecontrib and now I can edit a row, a cell or the table.
foswiki-editrowplugin = 110226-215
foswiki-jeditablecontrib = 110223-215
TorstenZ - 09 Mar 2011
Assuming from this last comment that this is closed, then.
CrawfordCurrie - 14 Mar 2011