Item10556: Ordering for Publishing date doesn't work correct for Blogs
Priority: Urgent
Current State: No Action Required
Released In: n/a
Target Release: n/a
Applies To: Extension
Component: BlogAddOn
Hello folks,
I experiences a weired ordering on dates.
I use
BlogAddOn 1.9.0 and Foswiki 1.1.2.
When I have three Blogs dated on the publishing dates:
- 28 Feb 2011
- 14 Feb 2011
- 31 Dec 2010
and use this line of code
\%INCLUDE{"Public.BlogPost" display="list" category="News" pagesize="4" sort="formfield(PublishingDate)" sortdirection="descending" outline="summary(200,noheader)"}\%
Then I receive this order:
- 31 Dec 2010
- 28 Feb 2011
- 14 Feb 2011
It seems, that the ordering scheme is based on string fields and not on date fields.
My workarround is for a short run ro have the dates formatted like:
- 2011-02-28
- 2011-02-14
- 2010-12-31
This works OK, but the calendar selector in the Form doesn't produzce this format as well as tis is not the standard Foswiki date format as well.
What can we do about this?
Regards Martin
MartinRaabe - 28 Mar 2011
I have seen this and I use version 1.5.
RyanReif - 01 Apr 2011
I believe this got fixed in
ArthurClemens - 25 Apr 2011