Item10656: FullCalendarPlugin does not save objects using locale
Priority: Urgent
Current State: New
Released In: n/a
Target Release: n/a
I have ru_RU.cp1251 locale enabled. When I post an event in Russian using the plugin's dialog, the calendar does not show Russian text correctly. When I manually edit an event in
WebCalendar topic, it shows on the calendar correctly.
YuryGolev - 19 Apr 2011
I must admit, I've haven't followed
InternationalisationGuidelines thus far. The storage and retrieval of event data is handled by ObjectPlugin which encodes these special characters when stringifying, %"\r\n{}, but doesn't do anything else. Indeed, if you've edited WebCalendar directly, ObjectPlugin does a load and stringify operation in the beforeSaveHandler so it doesn't seem to be the culprit. So I'm wondering if this is happening on the javascript/client side.
DavidPatterson - 19 Apr 2011
OK, I think
MetaCommentPlugin (
MichaelDaum) has the answer,
DavidPatterson - 21 Apr 2011