Priority: Low
Current State: Duplicate
Released In: n/a
Target Release: n/a
I added a new meta type in
SemanticLinksPlugin, META:LINK, and I notice it's not being indexed (actually, none of the SL types are).
MongoDBPlugin automatically add indexes somehow?
If not, can we please add a rest handler?
PaulHarvey - 07 May 2011
I should note that none of the times in the X-Foswiki-Monitor headers are significant, so far
For example, it's possible I've made a mistake in manually adding indexes in Mangroves, but nonetheless the time improvement seemed to be less than 1s out of 20:
header="| *Topic* | *No. external links* |"
format="| [[$web.$topic][$topic]] | $percntQUERY{\"length(('$web.$topic'/links[scope='external'].address), '') - 1\"}$percnt |"
And setting
web="all" recurse="on"
takes ~33s rather than ~20s.
PaulHarvey - 08 May 2011
In case anybody is wondering, the empty list item passed into
is to avoid
reporting the string length, instead of list length.
PaulHarvey - 08 May 2011
Lowered to low, so we can get a better picture of bug priorities for
PaulHarvey - 13 May 2011
It would be marvelous if we could re-set indexes via a rest handler
PaulHarvey - 07 Jul 2011
Duplicate of
PaulHarvey - 10 Aug 2011