Item10768: Save/Cancel option not presented in edit mode with EditRowPlugin with certain tables
Priority: Normal
Current State: Closed
Released In: n/a
Target Release: n/a
Using the following table with
EditRowPlugin I am not presented with a save/cancel option:
%EDITTABLE{ orientrowedit="vertical" headerislabel="on" format="| text, 10 | textarea, 4x40, n/a | select, 1, TODO, FAIL,OK,NRUN |" }%
| *Time* | *Description* | *State* |
| 07:00 | Some check for anything that is in red and resolve/escalate accordingly | OK |
After investigation with Crawford (edited from,Wed)
[16:54] <padraig_lennon> is the test table
[16:55] <CDot> and if you can eliminate %vars from the example, so much the better (%TODO and %OK etc)
[16:57] <CDot> without your % vars it's working for me.....
[17:00] <padraig_lennon> - I tried it without the % also with no difference..
[17:02] <CDot> Could it be as simple as a missing bitmap image for the save button?
[17:02] <padraig_lennon> Actually its only IE its not working with..
[17:03] <CDot> oh...
[17:03] * CDot doesn't have IE handy
[17:03] <CDot> could it be the image format, then?
[17:03] <padraig_lennon> Actually its just IE 8 in compatability mode
[17:03] <padraig_lennon> which is the default at work :(
[17:05] <CDot> what is "Compatibility mode"? Quirks mode, or IE7 standards?
[17:09] <CDot> effing wunnerful. IE7 doesn't handle jqueryUI properly, it seems.
[17:09] <padraig_lennon> Sorry I "Compatibility view" it is set via a group policy to "IE 8 Compatibility view" you will see it in the tools->developer tools..
[17:09] <CDot> what is "IE8 Compatibility view"? IE8 Standards?
[17:10] <CDot> looks fine with IE8 standards
[17:10] <padraig_lennon> Don't honestly know the finer details of it.. Ya ie8 looks fine..
[17:11] * CDot has "IE8 Compatibility Mode" and "IE8 Document Standards" and it seems to work fine
[17:11] <CDot> with "IE7 Document Standards" it doesn't, but that's because CSS is badly broken in IE7
PadraigLennon - 18 May 2011
Specific to IE <=7 standards, due to crap CSS implementation. Works fine in all other browsers. As f**king usual. Thanks a bundle, MicroWeenies.
CrawfordCurrie - 21 May 2011
Had to disable jquery buttons. Just couldn't make it work otherwise.
CrawfordCurrie - 25 May 2011