Item11147: Some errors with PublishPlugin running on trunk
Priority: Normal
Current State: No Action Required
Released In: n/a
Target Release: n/a
- No form data without changing from the default 'basic_publish' to plain.
- view template only work when META:PREFERENCE is set, not with AutoViewTemplatePlugin
- The generated links to generated content on the publish plugin control centre doesn't work;
- Seem to always fail after a little while in browser, while CLI goes through
- Trying to go directly on url to browse: Can't locate object method "topicObject" via package "Foswiki::Prefs::HASH" at /mnt/dokuserver/www/foswiki/core/lib/Foswiki/ line 311 This might be wrong anyway but the error is not quite obvoius.
Running trunk, rev12363, which should be the same as latest publish plugin released in august.
LarsEik - 25 Sep 2011
I also get permission errors in configure:
/path/to/foswiki/core/pub/publish/file/default.htm not writable
LarsEik - 26 Sep 2011
Worked last I tried. Problbly my bad permissions or RTFM.