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Item11219: %IF confused by not ingroup on trunk

Priority: Normal
Current State: Confirmed
Released In: n/a
Target Release: minor
Applies To: Engine
Component: SEARCH
Reported By: GeorgeClark
Waiting For:
Last Change By: GeorgeClark
The following %IF works fine on 1.1.4, fails on trunk.

%IF{"$ WIKINAME!='WikiGuest' and $USERNAME not ingroup 'AdminGroup' and '%REGISTRATIONGROUPTYPE%' = 'automatic' and not defined 'REGISTRATIONGROUPS'" then="<blockquote><span class=\"foswikiAlert\"> *Caution!* Registering a user while logged in will add the new user to all groups you have permission to change.</span> REGISTRATIONGROUPTYPE is set to =automatic=, and no groups are set in REGISTRATIONGROUPS. </blockquote>"}%

Fixing it by moving the not outside of the ingroup comparison - thanks pharvey
%IF{"($WIKINAME!='WikiGuest') and  (not ($USERNAME ingroup 'AdminGroup')) and ('%REGISTRATIONGROUPTYPE%' = 'automatic') and (not defined 'REGISTRATIONGROUPS')" then="<blockquote><span class=\"foswikiAlert\"> *Caution!* Registering a user while logged in will add the new user to all groups you have permission to change.</span> REGISTRATIONGROUPTYPE is set to =automatic=, and no groups are set in REGISTRATIONGROUPS. </blockquote>"}%


No parenthesis

IF{ "$ WIKINAME!='WikiGuest' and $USERNAME not ingroup 'AdminGroup' and 'none' = 'automatic' and not defined 'REGISTRATIONGROUPS'" else="else clause" then="
Caution! Registering a user while logged in will add the new user to all groups you have permission to change. REGISTRATIONGROUPTYPE is set to automatic, and no groups are set in REGISTRATIONGROUPS.
" }: Missing operator in '$ WIKINAME!='WikiGuest' and $USERNAME not ingroup 'AdminGroup' and 'none' = 'automatic' and not defined 'REGISTRATIONGROUPS''

With parenthesis

else clause

-- GeorgeClark - 30 Oct 2011


ItemTemplate edit

Summary %IF confused by not ingroup on trunk
ReportedBy GeorgeClark
Codebase trunk
SVN Range
AppliesTo Engine
Component SEARCH
Priority Normal
CurrentState Confirmed
TargetRelease minor
ReleasedIn n/a
Topic revision: r2 - 17 Aug 2015, GeorgeClark
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