Priority: Normal
Current State: Closed
Released In: n/a
Target Release: n/a
There seems to be a conflict with
CommentPlugin. If %COMMENT% exists on a page and I try to edit a section, the editing buttons will appear at the bottom of the page and JS will produce the following error:
XHR finished loading: "http://phd/jsonrpc/EditChapterPlugin".
XHR finished loading: "http://phd/rest/RenderPlugin/template?name=edit.chapter;expand=dialog;topic=Research.ReadingComprehension;from=18;to=18;title=%20%20Misc%20ideas%20;id=chapter_research_readingcomprehension_18;t=1321840054749".
XHR finished loading: "http://phd/wiki/pub/System/NatEditPlugin/jquery.natedit.js".
jquery-1.4.4.js:23Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'display' of undefined
Inspecting the DOM, the template loads, but jQuery can not find it to use as an overlay.
MyqLarson - 21 Nov 2011
Please try the latest versions of
EditChapterPlugin (>=4.20) and
JQueryPlugin (>=4.32). While upgrading JQueryPlugin, don't forget to switch it to jquery-1.7.1 (or later) when testing.
MichaelDaum - 10 Jan 2012
This appears to be fixed. I think I was using an older version of jquery. Cheers!
MyqLarson - 19 Apr 2012