Priority: Low
Current State: No Action Required
Released In: n/a
Target Release: n/a
Applies To: Engine
Component: SEARCH
When using the
SEARCH macro and there are no results, an empty paragraph
is returned rather than a plain text blank line. This is even with zeroresults="off". I have tried using format="$topic" and format="$web.$topic".
JayenAshar - 01 Dec 2011
Hrm, this might be more for when I concatenate two searches as in
Support.Question981. I'll get back to you.
JayenAshar - 02 Dec 2011
ok, i managed to do this in a non-intuitive way. basically, in
Support.Question981 I have an array of SEARCHes I want to concatenate. I want the results line separated. That is, if a
SEARCH has zero results, I want nothing, and if it has results, I want a newline at the end. Looking at the code, I believe the only way to do this is with:
JayenAshar - 02 Dec 2011