Priority: Low
Current State: Closed
Released In: 1.1.6
Target Release: patch
Applies To: Extension
Component: JQueryPlugin
Branches: Release01x01 trunk
JQueryAjaxHelper has itself as a dataform, so copying it to another web results in an error. Not sure if the bug is that the form info is being copied, that there is no option not to copy form info, that
JQueryAjaxHelper has a dataform, or that
JQueryAjaxHelper does not include the web name in the dataform reference.
JayenAshar - 04 Dec 2011
Any error message?
MichaelDaum - 11 Jul 2012
JayenAshar - 13 Jul 2012
Not sure why there was a form at all. Seems to be a leftover of an old demo. Removed it.
The other
core error is, that you can't copy a topic that has got itself as a DataForm attached. But I guess that's rather pathological.
MichaelDaum - 13 Jul 2012
I think you can copy a topic that has got itself as a DataForm, as long as you use %TOPIC% or include the web in the Form definition.
JayenAshar - 12 Aug 2012