Item11477: Renderer confused by multi-line pre blocks ending on lines where another pre block starts.
Priority: Normal
Current State: Confirmed
Released In: n/a
Target Release: minor
EditChapterPlugin 4.20 on Foswiki 1.1.3, editing chapter 1 below brings up chapters 1 & 2. Editing chapter 2 brings up nothing. This seems similar to something I encountered with
MediaWikiToFoswikiContrib, with multi-line nowiki inside a block prefixed with spaces (see
Chapter 1
multi-line pre block 1
pre block 2
Chapter 2
JayenAshar - 28 Jan 2012
That's an error in the core's
EditChapterPlugin makes use of. It seems as if the block boundaries aren't respected correctly, which then results in
EditChapterPlugin to miscount chapters.
This error manifests itself only in a state when blocks have been taken out but haven't been put back yet. The renderer itself does fine after putting back the pre blocks.
MichaelDaum - 16 Apr 2012
Not urgent, and not new. Deferring to 1.2.
GeorgeClark - 02 Nov 2012