Item11587: Calls to deprecated readTopicText and saveTopicText are in several public extensions

The Foswiki::Func::saveTopicText and Foswiki::Func::readTopicText APIs are inefficient and deprecated for many years (and according to SvenDowideit, broken).

The following public extensions use saveTopicText:

The following extensions also use saveTopicText, but only in tests (where it is marginally acceptable)

From a brief review of the usages, most are trivial to fix and are probably a result of a mistaken belief that this function is more efficient than saveTopic. Some are a result of a paired usage of readTopicText

The following extensions use =readTopicText in code:

And in tests:

-- CrawfordCurrie - 29 Feb 2012

DBIQueryPlugin is to be removed from the list, it's fixed.

-- VadimBelman - 02 Oct 2015

ItemTemplate edit

Summary Calls to deprecated readTopicText and saveTopicText are in several public extensions
ReportedBy CrawfordCurrie
Codebase trunk
SVN Range
AppliesTo Extension
Component BioKbPlugin, ChecklistPlugin, ChecklistTablePlugin, DBIQueryPlugin, DbXmlPlugin, DirectedGraphWebMapPlugin, EditHiddenTablePlugin, EditSyntaxPlugin, EditTablePlugin, EditTablerowPlugin, EmbedTopicPlugin, ExcelImportExportPlugin, FormPlugin, FormQueryPlugin, GenPDFAddOn, GenPDFLatexAddOn, GetAWebPlugin, GitPlugin, GlobalReplacePlugin, GpgkeyPlugin, ImmediateNotifyPlugin, ImportExportPlugin, IncludeRevisionPlugin, InterwikiPreviewPlugin, KinoSearchContrib, MailReminderPlugin, MsOfficeAttachmentsAsHTMLPlugin, NavPlugin, OrphansPlugin, PhotoarchivePlugin, PollPlugin, ProjectPlannerPlugin, PublishWebPlugin, RackPlannerPlugin, RandomQuotePlugin, ReadWriteOfflinePlugin, RenderFormPlugin, RenderTableDataPlugin, SetTopicValuesPlugin, SignaturePlugin, TablePlugin, TimeTablePlugin, TopicReferencePlugin, ValidateUrlsPlugin, XmlQueryPlugin, YetAnotherXpTrackerPlugin
Priority Normal
CurrentState Confirmed
Checkins TopicCreatePlugin:a92cbb278aa1 TopicNameValidationPlugin:171babead6d9 distro:76ba63d3d6b6 distro:9d7b152fe69d distro:6e786df9d99b distro:d2177921a041 ActionTrackerPlugin:60ab1824efec
TargetRelease n/a
ReleasedIn n/a
CheckinsOnBranches trunk master
trunkCheckins TopicCreatePlugin:a92cbb278aa1 TopicNameValidationPlugin:171babead6d9 distro:76ba63d3d6b6 distro:9d7b152fe69d
masterCheckins distro:6e786df9d99b distro:d2177921a041 ActionTrackerPlugin:60ab1824efec
Topic revision: r20 - 07 May 2017, CrawfordCurrie
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