Item11611: Restore description to Tasks web RSS/Atom feeds

Priority: Normal
Current State: Closed
Released In: n/a
Target Release: n/a
Applies To: Web Site
Component: RssAtomFeeds
Reported By: PadraigLennon
Waiting For:
Last Change By: PadraigLennon
I subscribe to RSS feeds for Support and Tasks updates. The feed for the Support web gives a summary via in the WebRss and WebAtom topics but the Tasks web does not, which means I have to actually browse to see what the task is about.

I've made a copy of the Tasks.!WebRss and Tasks.!WebAtom to Tasks.!WebRss2 and Tasks.!WebAtom2 respectively.

Can anyone see an issue with updating the actual WebRss and WebAtom topics with the updated ones?

-- PadraigLennon - 06 Mar 2012

This looks really good. My Firefox live bookmarks still are fine, and the results in my Android RSS Reader (RssDemon by Meecel) are greatly improved. I'd say go ahead and make this the default.

-- GeorgeClark - 07 Mar 2012

go go go smile

-- SvenDowideit - 08 Mar 2012

Updated.. Will leave the WebRss2 and WebAtom2 topics in place for a few days in case there are issues.

-- PadraigLennon - 08 Mar 2012

ItemTemplate edit

Summary Restore description to Tasks web RSS/Atom feeds
ReportedBy PadraigLennon
SVN Range
AppliesTo Web Site
Component RssAtomFeeds
Priority Normal
CurrentState Closed
TargetRelease n/a
ReleasedIn n/a
Topic revision: r4 - 08 Mar 2012, PadraigLennon
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