and tagme_styleblogbutton
need to be renamed, without the underscore.
And can we please don't write interface code in .pm
-- ArthurClemens - 22 May 2012
Summary | Templates with underscore in the name don't work |
ReportedBy | ArthurClemens |
Codebase | |
SVN Range | |
AppliesTo | Extension |
Component | TagMePlugin |
Priority | Normal |
CurrentState | Closed |
WaitingFor | |
Checkins | TagMePlugin:e9b5632ab060 TagMePlugin:15d33038a735 |
TargetRelease | n/a |
ReleasedIn | n/a |
CheckinsOnBranches | trunk |
trunkCheckins | TagMePlugin:e9b5632ab060 TagMePlugin:15d33038a735 |
Release01x01Checkins |