Item120: Transfer title value to edit screen
Priority: Normal
Current State: Closed
Released In:
Target Release:
Applies To: Extension
Component: NatSkin
The "create new topic" screen does not transfer the entered title to the edit screen. This is currently an impediment to the new "Ask a question" form in Support (draft in
AskAQuestion ).
This has been fixed here on the site by renaming the input field "topictitle" to "TopicTitle". Keeping that but upen to track the next svn upload. Dropping this bug in severity.
MichaelDaum - 10 Nov 2008 - 13:00
Thanks, works fine. Now I can continue on the support form.
ArthurClemens - 10 Nov 2008 - 16:21
I made it a camel-case TopicTitle in the support form as well. Now just proceed as normal. Or what do you envision more specifically?
MichaelDaum - 10 Nov 2008 - 21:03
This works fine!
ArthurClemens - 11 Nov 2008 - 04:36