Priority: Normal
Current State: No Action Required
Released In: n/a
Target Release: n/a
I believe this problem is related to the
SEARCH $summary
format token. I also refer to
TipsContrib because it has manifested there to me.
TipsContrib uses a complex search query to display the title and a summary of a tip.
The query is included from a topic located at
System.TipsOfTheDayInclude, and it looks like that:
- Search query with the highlited portion concerning the display of the summary:
I understand that (but really, this query is so complex and unreadable.. why isn't that a plugin?) the query uses
$summary(100, noheader)
to display the summary of a tip.
is supposed to display "just the plain text, with all formatting and line breaks removed" according to
System.FormattedSearch. With these options, the summary is limited to 100 characters and removes leading
---+ headers
Now, here is what I happened to see on a random tip:
- Format error showing on a tip about use of some tag (
Error: (3) can't find Format_error_showing_on_a_tip_about_use_of_some_tag_%28noautolink%29.jpg in Tasks
The information provided there in the shown summary is wrong: there are = signs shown while they shouldn't be visible, and the < and > that should be visible around the noautolink tags are replaced by a space.
Here is the raw version of the topic containing the actual tip:
- Source of the topic processed as a tip:
is supposed to display "just the plain text, with all formatting and line breaks removed", I believe it should, in the above case:
- not display the = signs, which are there only in the wiki syntax to imply that what is enclosed between = characters is monospaced
- display the greater than and lesser than signs, which are not formatting tags, but only html entities
RaulFRodriguez - 14 Aug 2012
A better comment would be "removes all
active formatting. For the purposes of the summary, wiki formatting is just plain text. This is by design.
No action.
CrawfordCurrie - 15 Jun 2015