Item12042: Formated search $summary showing wrong information (example with TipsContrib in the summary of the tip)

Priority: Normal
Current State: No Action Required
Released In: n/a
Target Release: n/a
Applies To: Engine
Component: SEARCH, TipsContrib
Reported By: RaulFRodriguez
Waiting For:
Last Change By: CrawfordCurrie
I believe this problem is related to the SEARCH $summary format token. I also refer to TipsContrib because it has manifested there to me.

TipsContrib uses a complex search query to display the title and a summary of a tip.

The query is included from a topic located at System.TipsOfTheDayInclude, and it looks like that:

  • Search query with the highlited portion concerning the display of the summary:
    Search query with the highlited portion concerning the display of the summary.jpg

I understand that (but really, this query is so complex and unreadable.. why isn't that a plugin?) the query uses $summary(100, noheader) to display the summary of a tip.

$summary is supposed to display "just the plain text, with all formatting and line breaks removed" according to System.FormattedSearch. With these options, the summary is limited to 100 characters and removes leading ---+ headers.

Now, here is what I happened to see on a random tip:

  • Format error showing on a tip about use of some tag (<noautolink>):
    Error: (3) can't find Format_error_showing_on_a_tip_about_use_of_some_tag_%28noautolink%29.jpg in Tasks

The information provided there in the shown summary is wrong: there are = signs shown while they shouldn't be visible, and the < and > that should be visible around the noautolink tags are replaced by a space.

Here is the raw version of the topic containing the actual tip:

  • Source of the topic processed as a tip:
    Source of the topic processed as a tip.jpg

If $summary is supposed to display "just the plain text, with all formatting and line breaks removed", I believe it should, in the above case:

  • not display the = signs, which are there only in the wiki syntax to imply that what is enclosed between = characters is monospaced
  • display the greater than and lesser than signs, which are not formatting tags, but only html entities

-- RaulFRodriguez - 14 Aug 2012

A better comment would be "removes all active formatting. For the purposes of the summary, wiki formatting is just plain text. This is by design.

No action.

-- CrawfordCurrie - 15 Jun 2015


ItemTemplate edit

Summary Formated search $summary showing wrong information (example with TipsContrib in the summary of the tip)
ReportedBy RaulFRodriguez
Codebase 1.1.5
SVN Range
AppliesTo Engine
Component SEARCH, TipsContrib
Priority Normal
CurrentState No Action Required
TargetRelease n/a
ReleasedIn n/a
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Format_error_showing_on_a_tip_about_use_of_some_tag_(noautolink).jpgjpg Format_error_showing_on_a_tip_about_use_of_some_tag_(noautolink).jpg manage 14 K 14 Aug 2012 - 09:44 RaulFRodriguez Format error showing on a tip about use of some tag (noautolink)
Search_query_with_the_highlited_portion_concerning_the_display_of_the_summary.jpgjpg Search_query_with_the_highlited_portion_concerning_the_display_of_the_summary.jpg manage 106 K 14 Aug 2012 - 09:43 RaulFRodriguez Search query with the highlited portion concerning the display of the summary
Source_of_the_topic_processed_as_a_tip.jpgjpg Source_of_the_topic_processed_as_a_tip.jpg manage 17 K 14 Aug 2012 - 09:44 RaulFRodriguez Source of the topic processed as a tip
Topic revision: r3 - 15 Jun 2015, CrawfordCurrie
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