Priority: Normal
Current State: Confirmed
Released In: n/a
Target Release: n/a
I cannot make TAGMESEARCH output the header/footer with the generated table. Perhaps this is a problem with
TagMePlugin or a problem in my understanding of the plugin.
Test case:
- Install TagMePlugin in the Wiki
- Create a page with some data and text
- Use TagMe to tag the page with a tag (say "Tag1")
- Try the following search:
header="| *Header1* |"
format="| $topic |"
DavidMasterson - 14 Sep 2012
I can also confirm that. Headers and footers are not displayed. Moreover, since the TAGME query has some verbal output (eg: Note: Please select a tag ), even the usual practice of putting the table header bellow the search is unusable
StefanosKouzof - 17 Oct 2012