Priority: Normal
Current State: New
Released In: n/a
Target Release: n/a
Applies To: Extension
Component: FormPlugin
This code crashes Form Plugin:
%STARTFORM{name="Companies" action="save" topic="%WEB%.CompanyNoAUTOINC0001" onSubmit="return notify(this)" method="post"}%
%FORMELEMENT{name="TopicTitle" type="text size="80" title="Company Name" mandatory="on"}%
%FORMELEMENT{name="templatetopic" type="hidden" default="CompanyTemplate"}%
%FORMELEMENT{name="action" type="submit" buttonlabel="Submit"}%
with the following message:
Foswiki::Plugins::FormPlugin::Renderer::Html::FieldFactory : Could not create field of type text size=.
The error is in the second line. The parameter type in the Form Element "TopicTitle" is not bracketed in ("). And it is
v e r y h a r d to spot.
StefanosKouzof - 05 Oct 2012
I suspect
Item12100 is related. Basically both are failing to parse malformed keys/attrs in %META & %MACRO respectively. How to parse around these and inform the user clearly of an issue is non-trivial, but very important it. These thinsg should be easy to spot.
I have not maked this as a duplicate, while they are similar, there are important differences. Nonetheless, it might be appropriate to fix these together..
JulianLevens - 08 Oct 2012