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Item12128: Topic editing with preview seems broken with IE 9

Priority: Urgent
Current State: No Action Required
Released In: 1.2.0
Target Release: minor
Applies To: Extension
Component: NatEditPlugin
Reported By: TimotheLitt
Waiting For:
Last Change By: MichaelDaum
If I edit something on some pages here (most recently editing Item12126), click Preview, and see something I don't like, I should be able to do a browser BACK to go back to editing.

If I do that, I'm back in the edit - but my work is gone. Forward does recover it, but the only thing I can then do is a quiet save, then edit again.

I'm using IE 9 - which is probably the cause.

I just did the indicated sequence initially writing this page, and it behaved normally.

Did a quiet save, came back and the new test was still here. I tried to make it happen back on 12126 in a new tab, and it didn't fail.

But I have seen this several times on various topics. It can be very scary when a lot has been typed. (Always in non-wysiwg mode.)

So I don't have a reproducer. But it's not infrequent, and it's a serious fault. I'll try to keep track of when it happens, but I'm marking it Urgent because a normal user could easily panic and lose data.

I know this has happened before in both wikis, and we normally blame the browser. Perhaps it would be better if Preview had a "Continue Editing" button that did a POST and reload without saving to disk. That would kill this class of bug forever - with a Javascript "don't do that" if BACK is pressed....

-- TimotheLitt - 08 Oct 2012

mmm, sadly, very few of us use preview much. so yes, there will be bugs :/

Rather than doing 2 POSTS to get back to editing, why not use Ajax and a modal dialog?

(and IMO if you hit preview, the server should also save that as a draft (similarly to TinyMCE)

-- SvenDowideit - 10 Oct 2012

Every time I try to switch to wysiwyg, it does something bad. I edit raw by default - wish I didn't. bad == it messes up searches or conditionals or anything compicated - no matter how I protect it. And tables - well, there are (simple) things I cant do, but once a page has been thru the editor, hand fixing becomes painful. Sigh.

In any case, I don't have a strong opion on how preview is fixed. But it does need to be fixed...

-- TimotheLitt - 10 Oct 2012

Is this Item5263 all over again? Possibly related: Item9006.

Changed the title to mention preview. Made component NatEditPlugin.

-- PaulHarvey - 11 Oct 2012

Also educational, Item744

-- PaulHarvey - 11 Oct 2012

NatEditPlugin doesn't use a separate screen for previews anymore. So this bug doesn't apply anymore, does it? Please reopen if so.

-- MichaelDaum - 20 Feb 2013

ItemTemplate edit

Summary Topic editing with preview seems broken with IE 9
ReportedBy TimotheLitt
Codebase trunk
SVN Range
AppliesTo Extension
Component NatEditPlugin
Priority Urgent
CurrentState No Action Required
TargetRelease minor
ReleasedIn 1.2.0
Topic revision: r7 - 20 Feb 2013, MichaelDaum
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