Item12290: Can't call method "setArchivist" on unblessed reference
Priority: Normal
Current State: Closed
Released In: n/a
Target Release: n/a
I'm running
FosWiki 1.1.5, Tue, 10 Apr 2012, build 14595, Plugin API version 2.2 on a cPanel CENTOS 5.8 x86_64 VPS instance.
I upgraded the VPS system software because of this cPanel post:
Now, I get this error after logging in:
"Foswiki detected an internal error - please check your Foswiki logs and webserver logs for more information.
Can't call method "setArchivist" on unblessed reference"
The error goes away when I disable
I upgraded
DBCachePlugin to the latest version, and also deleted the
DBCacheContrib cache, but I still get the error when
DBCachePlugin is enabled. The site seems to be working OK without the
DBCachePlugin enabled, but I want the
FosWiki team to know about this issue.
I think it has to do with the new cPanel Perl Storable module. Here is some of the verbage in the cPanle post listed above:
"The Perl Storable module provides support for serialization and deserialization of Perl data structures. In cPanel & WHM this functionality is used for caching data to disk and transferring data between processes. In many areas this caching and interprocess communication crosses privilege separation boundaries. A local malicious user could use this behavior to inject code into serialized data structures, thus allowing for code execution and possibility of privilege escalation."
I plan on upgrading to Foswiki 1.1.6 in the next few weeks, but this seeme to be extension specific.
Thanks in advance
FosWiki team,
FosWiki is awesome FOSS!
PaulHarrison - 11 Dec 2012
I've experienced the same problem and found out that the latest Storable ( is failing to store blessed objects, or at least to retrieve a blessed object as it was before. The main object been stored isn't blessed anymore, as well as none of the sub-objects: they are all plain hashes once retrieved.
Downgrading Storable to 2.29 cured it for me.
MichaelDaum - 11 Dec 2012
Michael, downgrading Storable to version 2.29 worked perfectly.
Thank you very much!
PaulHarrison - 14 Dec 2012