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Item12292: EditChapter links showing up on TOC output

Priority: Normal
Current State: Closed
Released In: n/a
Target Release: n/a
Applies To: Extension
Component: EditChapterPlugin
Reported By: DavidMasterson
Waiting For:
Last Change By: MichaelDaum
The EditChapterPlugin seems to be adding links to TOC output.

-- DavidMasterson - 12 Dec 2012

Can you provide a screenshot, because I can't reproduce the problem.

-- MichaelDaum - 13 Dec 2012

Okay, I've attached a page snippet.

-- DavidMasterson - 13 Dec 2012

Here are the plugins in my Foswiki 1.1.5:

TWikiCompatibilityPlugin, SpreadSheetPlugin, ActionTrackerPlugin, AliasPlugin, ApprovalPlugin, AutoTemplatePlugin, BeautifierPlugin, BookmakerPlugin, CalDAVPlugin, CalendarPlugin, ChartPlugin, ChecklistPlugin, ChecklistTablePlugin, CommentPlugin, CompareRevisionsAddonPlugin, ContributorsPlugin, DBCachePlugin, DateTimePlugin, DdtsIdPlugin, DirectedGraphPlugin, DirectedGraphWebMapPlugin, EasyTimelinePlugin, EdcsIdPlugin, EditChapterPlugin, EditTablePlugin, ExcelImportExportPlugin, ExplicitNumberingPlugin, ExternalLinkPlugin, FilterPlugin, FlexWebListPlugin, FlowchartPlugin, FormFieldListPlugin, FormPlugin, FormQueryPlugin, FreeMindPlugin, GenPDFAddOnPlugin, GetAWebPlugin, GlobalReplacePlugin, GluePlugin, GoUptoTocPlugin, HeadlinesPlugin, HijaxPlugin, HistoryPlugin, HolidaylistPlugin, HostnamePlugin, IfDefinedPlugin, ImagePlugin, ImportExportPlugin, InterwikiPlugin, JQFullCalendarPlugin, JQGridPlugin, JQTablePlugin, JQueryPlugin, JSTreeContribPlugin?, LdapNgPlugin, MailerContribPlugin, MenuListPlugin, MetaWorkflowPlugin, MirrorWebPlugin, NewUserPlugin, ObjectPlugin, OrphansPlugin, PdfPlugin, PerlPlugin, PreferencesPlugin, RackPlannerPlugin, RedirectPlugin, RemoveTrashPlugin, RenderListPlugin, RenderPlugin, SetTopicValuesPlugin, SetVariablePlugin, SkillsPlugin, SlideShowPlugin, SmiliesPlugin, SubscribePlugin, TablePlugin, TagCloudPlugin, TagMePlugin, TinyMCEPlugin, TocPlugin, TopSecretPlugin, TopicCreatePlugin, TopicDataHelperPlugin, TopicLockPlugin, TreePlugin, TwistyPlugin, UserInfoPlugin, VotePlugin, WebPermissionsPlugin, WorkflowPlugin, WysiwygPlugin

-- DavidMasterson - 13 Dec 2012

Next, check for javascript errors on your test page.

-- MichaelDaum - 23 Dec 2012

I'm not sure I know how to check this. I see Firebug reporting an error in JQuery-1.7.1.js (line 16) "TypeError: is not a function". I also see "NetworkError: 500 Internal Server Error -", but I'm not sure if it is related.

-- DavidMasterson - 27 Dec 2012

The network error is not related, or only marginal as there is some of your plugins that tries to load a gif image from a wrong location. The other one is a sever javascript error which unfortunately influences other javascript parts on the same page. My first reflexes would be to try an disable some of the extra plugins that you have on the plate: start with GoUptoTocPlugin and BookmakerPlugin as it adds a lot of additional javascript code to every page. Go ahead and try disabling more plugins. Maybe it helps to start bottom up if you weren't able to spot the plugin causing the javascript error. There are a couple of plugins that might not be advisable to use at all.

-- MichaelDaum - 27 Dec 2012

I haven't tried too much yet, but I disabled everything except EditChapter and the links in the TOC still showed up. I then disabled everything and the links in the TOC went away. Since this is vacation time, I felt safe in making the big change. Now I'll re-enable most things and play around with the pieces as time permits. Not sure if this suggests the problem is elsewhere.

-- DavidMasterson - 01 Jan 2013

Minor update -- after re-enabling everything, I disabled just EditChapter and that also removed the links in the TOC. However, the TypeError still shows up in Firebug analysis.

-- DavidMasterson - 07 Jan 2013

Pleaes check the latest version. The pencils in TOC should be disabled using css now. If the error still shows up, make sure ecpstyles.css is loaded to your page. Reopen this bug report if required. Thanks.

-- MichaelDaum - 06 Nov 2013

ItemTemplate edit

Summary EditChapter links showing up on TOC output
ReportedBy DavidMasterson
Codebase 1.1.5
SVN Range
AppliesTo Extension
Component EditChapterPlugin
Priority Normal
CurrentState Closed
TargetRelease n/a
ReleasedIn n/a
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Capture.PNGPNG Capture.PNG manage 99 K 13 Dec 2012 - 22:38 DavidMasterson Quick Snippet of TOC showing EditChapter
Topic revision: r11 - 06 Nov 2013, MichaelDaum
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